Dear all In this article We will see How to Restrict Duplicate entries Insertion of Data into XML File Using Asp.Net.In my previous article i explained essence of XML,How to Insert the data into XML file Using Asp.Net,How to Restrict Duplicate entries Insertion of Data into XML File Using Asp.Net.Let's have a Deep dive of this implementation.
Few XPath Queries :
Video Demonistration:
Source Code for Reading of Entire XML Data:
Namespaces Used in the Project :
Source Code for Contains of XPath Query:
Namespaces Used in the Project :
Let me Brief What is XPath ?
- XPath represents XML Path Language
- In order to Work with XPath Queries nee to incorporate System.XML.XPath namespace
- XPath is a query Language which is used to query the xml document elements.
- XPath Uses node related syntaxes in order to navigate to the particular node element
- It Contains so many built in functions like Select Nodes(),Select() etc.....
- By Using XPath Queries we can do so many data manipulations in an XML file.
- XPath was recommended by World Wide Web Consortium
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Book Name="Wings of Fire" Author="APJ Abdul Kalam" Version="1.3.1" />
<Book Name="The Magic of Thinking" Author="David Schwartz" Version="3.8.1" />
<Book Name="The Power of Habit" Author="Charles Duhigs" Version="5.1.8" />
<Book Name="The Magic of Thinking" Author="David Schwartz" Version="" />
<Book Name="The Magic of Thinking" Author="David Schwartz" Version="3.8.2" />
Few XPath Queries :
For Multiple Attributes Filtration
Syntax :
exdoc.SelectNodes("/BooksList/Book[@Name='" +
txtBookName.Text + "' and @Author='" + txtAuthorName.Text + "'
and @Version='" + txtVersion.Text + "']");
Selecting Enter XML Data
Attributes Filtration with Contains
Syntax :
Steps to Work with XML
- Go To Visual Studio Click on New-->Project-->Select Empty Website
- Name the Application as Xml Demo and click on Ok
- Go to Solution Explorer and Right Click on the Project -->Clik on Add New -->Folder Named it as Files
- Now Design the Form With the Following Controls
- Right Click on the Project -->Click on Add New Item -->Select Web Form Name it as InsertEmployee
- Design the Form by Placing the following Code in InsertEmployee.aspx
Video Demonistration:
Source Code for Reading of Entire XML Data:
Namespaces Used in the Project :
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.IO;
Button Click Event Code :
string path = string.Empty;
path = Server.MapPath("~/XMLFiles/") + "BooksInfo.xml";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList xnlist = doc.SelectNodes("/BooksList/Book");
for (int i = 0; i < xnlist.Count; i++)
string BookName = xnlist[i].Attributes["Name"].InnerText.ToString();
string Author = xnlist[i].Attributes["Author"].InnerText.ToString();
string version = xnlist[i].Attributes["Version"].InnerText.ToString();
Response.Write(string.Format("Details are : {0}
{1} {2}", BookName, Author, version) + "<br/>");
Source Code for Contains of XPath Query:
Namespaces Used in the Project :
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.XPath;
using System.IO;
Button Click Event Code :
string path = string.Empty;
path = Server.MapPath("~/XMLFiles/") + "BooksInfo.xml";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNodeList xnlist = doc.SelectNodes("/BooksList/Book[@Name[contains(.,'The')]]");
for (int i = 0; i < xnlist.Count; i++)
string BookName = xnlist[i].Attributes["Name"].InnerText.ToString();
string Author = xnlist[i].Attributes["Author"].InnerText.ToString();
string version = xnlist[i].Attributes["Version"].InnerText.ToString();
Response.Write(string.Format("Details are : {0}
{1} {2}", BookName, Author, version) + "<br/>");
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