Sunday 4 December 2016

Latest Interview Questions and Some Programs Solutions

Dear Readers,Here i provided Latest Interview Questions which i come across and also provided some programs download from the below link

                                                    Most Trending Question

1.How can you implement Unit Testing in ASP.Net MVC
2.What is Mocking how can you implement Mocking
3.What is Zero Foot Print Applications
4.How can you implement Throttling in WCF What is the use of Throttling
5.How Tokenization concept implemented in WCF.


1st Round
1. what is contractor 
2. Difference b/w MVC4 and MVC 5
3. Diffrence b/w MVC and
4. Difference b/w Function and Stored proc
5. What is jquery
6. What is Index and types
7. Design patterns 
8. What is version control 
9. Minification and bundling in mvc
10. How to improve the application performances 

2nd round
1. What is Interface with example
2. Difference b/w Interface and abstract class
3. Difference b/w Overriding and overloading example 
4. What is.Angluer Js and Advantages
5. what is Web API restful services
6. How to make service is Post or Get.

Manager Round
1. Difference b/w Object pooling and IIS reset
2. Difference b/w MVC and
3. What is attribute routing in MVC
4. Session types in MVC, Explain 
5.Any typical situation facing present project and How you can solved that problem  
6.Roles & Responsibility of present company

Innominds: 07 Oct 2016:

1: Type of Polymorphism? Runtime and Compile time with an example?
2: What is Static class? Do we need to create static class object to call contructor(int a , int b)?
3: What is Abstract Class?
4: What is Interface? Can we create Getter setter properites or variable in an interface?
5: What is Garbage collector?

In the common language runtime (CLR), the garbage collector serves as an automatic memory manager. It provides the following benefits:
Enables you to develop your application without having to free memory.
Allocates objects on the managed heap efficiently.
Reclaims objects that are no longer being used, clears their memory, and keeps the memory available for future allocations. Managed objects automatically get clean content to start with, so their constructors do not have to initialize every data field.
Provides memory safety by making sure that an object cannot use the content of another object.

6: Do you know about Collections and Generics?
7: What is Encapsulation, Abstraction?
8: What is Session collectors in


9: what is ViewData and ViewBag?
10: Can use ViewData/ViewBag from one controller to another?
11: How your dealing with db without Entity Framework?
13: What property/extension method we need to write to call a PartialView from a View?

14: Agile Process? workflow?


Cyient: 25 Oct 2016:

Your current role?
ADSP Current application Architecture?
EF: code first approach?
Command Type ADO.NET?
Difference between #temp and derived table? Syntax?
##table in TempDB?
What is transactions in SQL?
Requirment: having student table with 3 columns (StudentID, Name, Marks)
and need to add Grade column based on Marks.

If Marks > 80 'A' grade
If Marks <80, >60 'B'grade
If Marks <60 'C' grade

StudentID Name Marks Grade?
1 xyz 79
2 pqr 60
3 abc 90


var x = null
dynamic y = 10

y = (dynamic)x



Wipro: 12th Nov 2016

What is Derived class?
Can we write multiple try catch blocks within a try block?
Can we wrete try block without a catch block?
what are all the two tichniques to not to get duplicate records in SQL server
Current development changes you faced so far(current company)?
How to call a WebService?
what is Extension Methods in C#?
Diff between ASP, ASP.NET and ASP.NET MVC?

Diff between Absract and Sealed Class?
Why to use Abstract Classes?
What is the diff between Factory and Abstract Factory Patterns? and purpose?
Components of ASP.NET MVC?
How Testing mechanism works in MVC?


BKFS: 18th Nov 2016

What is an extension methods in C#?
.NET 4.5 new features?
Diff between VAR and DYNAMIC keywords in C#?
Diff between STRING and STRING BUILDER in C#?
OUTPUT ? alert('5'+5); Alert(5+5+'5');alert(5+5);
Exception Handling in MVC?
What WATCH in AngularJS?
Difference between Javascript and jQuery?
What is SDLC?
State Management in ASP.NET?
Types of Sessions?

How to stop wrong service request call in WCF?
Which type of Binding is more secure in WCF?
What happen when user click on LogOut Button ? Session END in Ascx.
Can we change Primary key column Index to non cluster Index? if yes, How?
How Angularjs works?
Exception Handling in SQL server, how can we send an exception using SQL server?


What is $scope"
What is Select and Select mini LINQ?
Diff between DELETE and TRUNCATE?
Diff between DYNAMIC and OBJECT?
Types of FILTERS in MVC?
Page life Cycle of MVC?
Diff between View and Partial VIEW?
What is Dependency Object in Angular JS?
Can we write Razor code in Javascript?
Storage Mechanism in MVC, ViewBag, ViewData(Diff between these two), TempData, Session?
What should I use to pass a value from Controller1 to Controller3?


What is service and Factory in AngularJS
What is routing in angular
Call web api using angularJs
how to use common function in Angularjs
What ever the service you have you have to inject into the controller: Dependency injection

POCO object in Entity Framework

What is diff between Service and Factory in AngularJS?
how to call a controller in another controller MVC?

SONATA Software 26 Nov 2016:

Diff between Procedere and function?
What is Triggers, Can I do, Delete update, insert to single table using Trigger SQL server?
Diff betwwen Const, Ready Only, Static keyword in C#?
What is Cursors in SQL server?
Diff between Array and ArrayList C#?
What is Garbage collecter, Diff between Dispose and Release c#?
What is Mutable and Immutable objects in C#?
Diff between PreventDefault and e.Propogation in Javascript?
How to use Aggregate functions with touching SQL database in C#?
Which design Patterns you have used in our current Project, and explain them.
Explain any of the coolest new feature in .NET Framework you're currently using?
How many NULL values we can insert in a unique key?

Tech Mahindra 26 Nov 2016: 

What is a Private Constructor?

Class Test
  Private Test()

static void Main()
  Test test = new Test();

Selectors in jQuery?
What is a .NET Class?

Class TestClass
static void Main()

 int i = 10;

private TestMethod(int i)
  i += 4;

What will be the output?
What is Agile Integration process explain?

If a Delete a row from a view, will that be impact on main table?
Can we call to modals in a single view?

ValueMomentum (Telephonic):

what is ng-if in angular js
Instead of $ or jQuery, how can I use custom prefix?
How to call two controller having same name from View?
What are the DataAnnotations?
Types of Filters in AngularJs?
Diff between Const and Read only?
What is Partial in C#?
Types of bindings in WCF?
what is OUT and Ref in C#?
Filter in Web API?
Can we create _Layout outside Shared folder?How?
What is AttributeRouting?
How to create custom DataAnnotation?
Why Angular Js if we already have jQuery which is also Derived from JAVASCRIPT?
What is a PartialView(),and how many ways we can call a PartialView?
Page Life cycle in MVC?


SIS India Pvt Ltd.

Why AngularJs if we have jQuery, what makes diffent.
Tell me the 3 core features of Angular JS, that we don't have in any other languages?
What is Directives in Angular JS?
List out Directives in Angular JS?
What is Route and RoutePrefix?
What is an Interface, actual use of an Interface?
Use of Using block in C#?

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